How to create a rate card: Episode 046

How to create a rate card for freelancers

How to create a Rate Card 

Do you have a rate card? The majority of freelancers don’t.

When I started my freelance career I’d always hate it when someone asked me what my styling day rate was. Invariably it was via email and I would answer with a one-line sentence that really didn’t show the potentially new client the awsomeness they were getting. And that’s when I created a rate card. 

It was a game changer. This episode is what I did and how I make my rate card work for me and how you can too! 

There is a blog post to accompany this podcast which you can find here. 

A few things we covered in this episode :

Things to put on your rate card 

  • Who you are and what you do
  • Who have you worked for? Make sure you put down everyone or at least the most impressive.
  • Social media links
  • Rates – Your pricing, travel, assistants
  • Contact details – Email, phone, blog etc
  • Other things that the client needs to know – 1/2 day rates, advance for props etc
  • Images – As a watermark background or sharing examples of work.
  • What to charge – ask others in your field for their rates.
  • Be flexible
  • Canva, Photoshop, Downloadable templates (See below) 
  • Here are some downloadable templates from Canva 

Listen to this weeks episode here

5 responses to “How to create a rate card: Episode 046”

  1. This is so useful – thank you! I am not working as an interior stylist yet but am starting to seek more work as an assistant. I’m going to use these tips to make a promo card of my experience so far so that I can send it to stylists when asking them if they would consider hiring me in future to assist them. Any tips you can share on this would be gratefully received too!
    Looking forward to listening/reading more.

    • Hi Claire,
      That’s a fantastic idea.
      I would suggest getting testimonials from anyone you’ve worked with – as us stylists pretty much know eachother so if I see a name I know I can get a first hand recommendation from them I’m much more likely to book you.

      Good luck and keep in touch. I’d love to know how you get on.

      EmmaMT x

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